Thursday, January 23, 2014

Going into csc148 with lots of forgotten knowledge from csc108 was indeed daunting but at the same time excited to learn more in-depth of the cs program. Something I have realized and learned from csc148 is that the reasons why we used the methods in csc108 for what its worth. For example, like "classes", I thought "classes" were just one of those things in the cs language where "you have to just accept it for what it is". Instead, I learned that they are a new way of organizing code and they are essentially like a "factory". Doing the exercise did challenged me due to the feeling that made me feel incapable of solving exercise 1b with my current knowledge. So I seeked my friends who were more advanced in the cs program and so on. What I also did in addition to asking help from my friends is that, I have tried reading other texts that I have purchased when I was in Korea last summer. Speaking of tutorials, I could not attend the first 2 tutorials because I was not in the country, but I will be attending from next week. What I like about the csc program is how the professors strive to get students to get involved in the course material. For example, exercises or assignments every week, plus this blog. I don't know about other peers, but I do tend to forget most of the things I have learned in class without constant practice, but all these extra work helps me not fall in to that hole of procrastination. Ultimately, the best thing about learning cs is the feeling when the right results are produced when i press "run" on wing after long hours of thinking. That's what I enjoy most about coding.